

Microneedling treatments with Dermapen® are done using a hand-held device designed to dramatically increase the effectiveness of skincare products and promote new skin cell growth. Fine needles are used to create micro-channels on the surface of the skin, enabling active ingredients, such as vitamin A, peptides, and antioxidants, to penetrate your skin more effectively. This process also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the treatment area, providing tighter, more youthful-looking skin as the body’s healing response occurs.

In combination with scientifically designed skincare products, microneedling can address a variety of skin concerns. It can help thicken skin, soften fine lines and wrinkles, and reduce uneven pigmentation, sun damage, stretch marks, and scarring. Dermapen® is suitable for skin of all types and ages, including thin skin, and can be used on all areas of the face, neck, and body to achieve optimal results.
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What Microneedling Can Do

  • Improve collagen and elastin production
  • Encourage cell turnover
  • Produce a more radiant complexion
  • Soften rough skin texture
  • Help to smooth fine lines
  • Tighten and thicken the skin
  • Improve the appearance of acne scars
  • Provide younger-looking skin
woman receiving microneedling treatment

The Microneedling Process

When having microneedling done in Westchester, NY, your skin will first be cleansed of all makeup, oil, and debris. A numbing cream will then be applied for your comfort. Once the anesthetic takes effect, the Dermapen® will be passed over the skin, and the needles create micro-channels in the skin. This microneedling treatment process takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Specifically chosen serums will then be applied to moisturize and soothe your skin.

Recovery After Microneedling

Your skin may be red and irritated after your treatment. You may also experience some swelling. These side effects will likely resolve in four to six days. As the healing process begins, patients should avoid using makeup for 24 hours after their treatment and make sure to protect their skin from the sun. Strenuous activities should be avoided for about 72 hours. Most patients can return to work the day after their microneedling session.

Microneedling Results

Microneedling can provide skin that is firmer and more youthful. We typically recommend a series of treatments for optimal results. Patients will notice the smoothing of fine lines, a reduction in irregular pigmentation, and a more radiant complexion. Dr. Tchelebi-Moscatello will develop a tailored microneedling plan for you during your consultation.

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